Sunday, June 22, 2008

Funny Accident

I felt like a cartoon character today. I have been fighting a sore leg for about three months. It is slowly getting better. Then today I had an accident only I could come up with.

A little history first. I am very accident prone. my husband says it's because my brain is ahead of my body, and I don't pay attention to my surroundings. I've shut my finger in a car door, fallen when running from the car to the door in the rain, hit my head on the car door getting in because I didn't duck low enough. I think it's because I have a depth perception problem, which explains why I could never hit the softball in PE class. I couldn't jump rope either for the same reason. I thought I just clumsy until the eye doctor explained about my depth perception which causes me to misjudge distances. My dad, who went to the appointment with me, understood better the scrapes and dents on the right side of his car. I once asked Roger for an electric saw for Christmas because I thought I'd like to build furniture. He vetoed that idea because he had no desire to take me to the emergency room to treat whatever body part I'd managed to injure.

Anyway, we have had a problem with something getting in our garage to steal pecans we had in an open bucket. So after a mouse trap didn't catch the culprit, my husband decided to buy some sticky paper that might capture the thief. Meanwhile, I go out to the garage to search for a missing item. As usual I'm looking straight ahead, intent on the area I'm planning to search. I looked through the sack of assorted items, discovering the missing item was not there. When I backed up to go back into the house, I stepped on the paper, quickly became stuck, lost my balance, and landed on my behind while yelling for help.

My husband came running to rescue me from whatever calamity had befallen me. He hid his face and choked to keep from laughing as he pulled me from the paper. His next comment was that he'd caught a "big one". I'm assuming he meant relative to a mouse.

Fortunately, only my pride seems to be damaged. I'll know more in the morning when the bruises appear.


Unknown said...

What a picture! I can only imagine the red on your face. Hope you're okay.

Unknown said...

What a picture! I can only imagine the red on your face. Hope you're okay though.

Amy Deardon said...

Hi Sue --

Just dropped by from ACFW loop. I understand your story, being somewhat "clumsy" myself. "A Rodent of Unusual Size"

Take care, and thanks for sharing :-)


Anonymous said...

OH NOOOOOOOO! Sue, I'm sorry, but I'm laughing out loud at this one. You've got to use it in a book!