Saturday, June 7, 2008

43 rd Anniversary

We celebrated our 43rd anniversary in our usual unorthodox way. We started the day by attending the end of the year awards ceremony for our grandson at his school. We then went to see INDIANA JONES and ate an early dinner at our favorite restaurant. We concluded the day by going to a viewing at the funeral home of our granddaughter's other grandfather. We returned home before winds of 50 miles an hour with gusts to
75 miles an hour took out the electricity for six hours.

We had to laugh at our version of anniversary celebration. Other anniversary's have involved attending a Turkish birthday party for children, mourning the death of Robert Kennedy, attending a family reunion, and renewing our vows at the grave site of the main character in an Eugenia Price novel. One year my husband had to work, so we postponed our celebration for a few days later. I had to learn that the day wasn't as important as honoring our relationship. Another year my husband sent me an orchid from Guam, and the lady who ran the post office made sure I received it although it arrived after the small post office officially closed for the day. I received a phone call at two in the morning from my husband who was stationed at a remote site half way around the world on another anniversary.

We celebrated our 40th with a party of friends just in case we didn't have the opportunity to celebrate our 50th as neither on of our parents did. Later that summer, we went to Alaska for a memorable gift to each other.

We're looking forward to what the next anniversaries might bring. The military part
of our life has long past, so we know we'll be sharing it together. Beyond that, we're not sure what opportunity lies ahead to make our day special. We have a party planned for the 50th, but other than that we'll have to wait and see.

But whatever the occasion brings, we'll be together, which is really all that matters.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And, true to what you have always shown to be important to you, you spent the day being with family! (Also don't forget spending your anniversary in a camper with us)

Anonymous said...

Peace to your house, Sue, Congratulations! I remember one year Danny and I were shopping for hamburger at the Winn Dixie and it occured to me that it was our anniversary. I can't remember which year--must have been the 6th ot 7th. Sounds like you had some interesting anniversaries--like renewing your vows on the grave site of a Eugina Price novel. Wow! Anyway, I pray you see your 50th together.

Peace and blessing