Sunday, May 17, 2009

This past weekend was our local Relay for Life. As part of the opening ceremonies, the survivors were asked to sit on the stage in our special purple t-shirts. We were asked to speak into a microphone and give our name and how many years we've survived cancer.

As the microphone passed, the time periods varied from thirty-two years to two weeks. I'm somewhere in the middle at thirteen years. The non-cancer participants sat across from us in the amphitheater and joined us as we applauded each other for living another year or even another day. We're all there for the same purpose: to raise money for a cure for cancer.

Today at church one of the young girls in my church came rushing up to me and hugged me. She said, "I didn't know you'd had cancer." What a sweet gift her words and hug were to me.

I shall treasure it always. "Thank you, Ashley."


Shirley Harkins said...

Even thought I'm not officially "cancer free", I consider myself a survivor.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I think you had what Pastor Kathy calls"rock star moments". You are definitely one of my american idols. love, jana

Unknown said...

Praise God for His faithfulness. Congratulations on your thirteen year anniversary. You've blessed my life.