Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Forgiveness: Letting Go

In the Lord’s Prayer we say “forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespass against us.” In my church we recite the Lord’s Prayer as part of the worship service.

I’ve probably said that prayer at least 500 times in my current church. I don’t know how many other times in previous churches.

I recently completed the Beth Moore study on Breaking Free. One of the bondages God releases us from if we ask is the inability to forgive.

A friend of mine is fighting cancer. She has as part of her signature for emails this statement. “We can stop forgiving others, when God stops forgiving us.” That pretty much says it all. Who can dispute it? I can’t.

Then it seemed like everything I read talked of forgiveness. Sermons seemed to focus on it. I read the book, The Shack, which spoke of the hardest forgiveness of all.

As a result of all the recent experiences, I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. Most of my problem with forgiveness started with my being angry at people who hurt me or unfair situations and injustices in my world.

Then if the anger isn’t resolved, it leads to unforgiveness, broken relationships, and isolation to protect myself from further hurt or disappointment. If that isn’t enough, bitterness sets in and takes the joy and sunshine away. It kills the song in my heart.

So after thinking a lot about it, I asked God to reveal to me when I have a spirit of bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness in my heart. I truly thought I harbored no unforgiveness, but I was in for a surprise.

He’s been very generous to call to mind those people and situations I need to let go. I expected it to be a painful experience, but it’s been liberating and left me with a sense of peace. I find myself agreeing with Him each time.

“You’re right, Lord. I’m bitter or angry or unforgiving about that. I agree with you. Help me to release it now.”

Some things I’d forgotten about. Some things I didn’t know I was bitter about. Some things were too hard to do on my own, but I know God can help me.

“Search my heart, Test my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad. And lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Ps. 139:23


Karen Kelley said...

Letting go of anger is the best thing I ever did. I refuse to waste time on it any longer. LOL I'm getting too old and life is too short!

Shirley Harkins said...

This is a blog straight from your heart. Forgiveness is obviously important to the Master. He admonishes us to reconcile with our brother (or sister) before we offer a gift at the altar. (Matt 5:24)This is an important reminder for us all to seek the Father guidance to clear all bitterness and unforgiveness from our hearts.

Debra said...

You know sometimes we choose not to think about that anger or offense and we think that we're over it, but we're not.

We've only buried it.

Then the Lord chooses a time to dig up those ugly feelings and they resurface. Through tears we wash through those feelings again.

I find myself making a decision to forgive. And that's all it is a decison. Those feelings of anger and bitterness just don't magically disappear.

Everytime I think about the offense, which has caused me to feel angry...I say aloud, "I forgive you, (insert name)." Sometimes I have to do this repeatedly before those negative feelings vanish.

Unknown said...

I'm going to try again & see if this goes thru. Love your blog on forgiveness, Sue.

Mary said...

Sue, You are so right. I'm realising that it's been awhile since I've done that. I will ask God to show me those things before I go to sleep tonight.

Thank you!